Friday, August 18, 2023

Chicago Organization Proposes 9pm to 9am Timeline for Gang-related Activities

In a city where gun violence is as common as subpar pizza or underperforming sports teams, the main focus is now on reducing harm to its residents who haven't had the opportunity to move to safer parts of the country.

A community organization named Native Sons has proposed "The People’s Ordinance" for review by the city's City Council Public Safety Committee.

As reported by CWB Chicago:

"We need a starting point," stated Tatiana Atkins, a co-founder of Native Sons. "We aim to tackle our city's gun violence issue step by step. This situation wasn't created overnight, and positive change will take time."

"Our ordinance requests that individuals cease glorifying and associating with 'shooters', refrain from promoting 'switches', and stop donning ski masks that typecast them as adversaries," Atkins conveyed to CWBChicago. "When individuals from crime-prone lifestyles mix with everyday citizens, it jeopardizes everyone's safety."

This move seems like a logical initial action in addressing the city's escalating crime issue. Surely, individuals involved in criminal activities and gangs will heed the request from organizations like Native Sons to confine their illegal dealings and altercations to specific hours.

"If individuals are aware that being out past a certain time increases their risk of an unprovoked attack, they might be more cautious and perhaps supervise their children more closely," Atkins added.

Such an idea is ingenious. Why didn't anyone suggest this earlier?

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